Snippets — jewish papercut
Lech L'cha. Go.
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God said to Abraham, "Lech l'cha." Roughly translated as "Go," closely translated it means "take yourself." Pick up your stuff and move. In 2019, I did that. Life had been sort of upside-down for a while (thus the infrequent blog posts). And then, the opportunity for a new life, and a new love, presented itself. For the first time in my life, I moved out of my home state, my comfort zone, my people. And, sadly, my Jewish community. I moved to St. Louis. The good news is, St. Louis has a huge and diverse Jewish community. More good news: the...
Shalshelet: The Mark of Ambivalence
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Creative Kavod: Honoring Service with Art
jewish artist jewish papercut papercutting talmud

The mountains may move. Love story in a ketubah.
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A young couple wanted a modern ketubah, one that reflected both their love of Torah and their life together in Colorado. The resulting design incorporated the Rocky Mountains, evergreens and aspen leaves. Read more...