Snippets — hiddur mitzvah
Hiddur Mitzvah - Doing a commandment beautifully.
hebrica hiddur mitzvah jewish art jewish ritual item jewishpapercut art judaica keeping the sabbath kiddush cup mizrach
While we often hear the word “mitzvah” used to mean a “good deed,” it really means “commandment” and there are 613 of those in the Torah. One of the Big Ten is “keep the Sabbath,” and we do that by sanctifying the time and setting aside our normal work. We get out the fancy kiddush cup and candlesticks, set a pretty table, and serve up special foods. Would it be the Sabbath if we had frozen fish sticks on a paper plate, with wine in plastic cups? Yes, but we could do the commandment more fully by making it beautiful—hiddur...