Snippets — papercutting

Recognizing a Mitzvah

613 commandments gift for jewish donor jewish awards jewish communal service jewish recognition judaica kim phillips maimonides list of 613 commandments papercutting

awards and recognition hebrica jewish papercut art
Expressing gratitude for a 

mitzvah done is part of the process. Hebrica can create an original, one-of-a-kind expression of thanks to donors, volunteers, teachers and more.







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What makes Jewish papercutting Jewish?

jewish art jewish artist jewish papercut art judaica kim phillips papercutting

the art of jewish papercutting hebrica jewish papercut artThe art of Jewish papercutting has been a popular folk art for many centuries, expressing Jewish hopes, values, and religious longings. Here's a brief look at Jewish papercut art and papercutting around the world.

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The Art of Jewish Papercutting: Sisterhood Opening Meeting

artist in residence jewish papercut art judaica papercutting sisterhood meeting synagogue art

hebrica jewish papercut art artist in residenceWomen from all the Nashville synagogues are welcome to join the West End Synagogue's opening Sisterhood meeting. Kim Phillips of Hebrica Judaic Art will discuss the history of Jewish papercutting, its forms and uses, placing it in context with other papercut art from around the world.

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